
Peneleh Sketchbook: A Collaboration with Urban Sketchers Surabaya

May 01, 2019

by Rita Padawangi

In April 2019, SEANNET Peneleh collaborated with Urban Sketchers Surabaya in making Peneleh Sketchbook. Urban Sketchers is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the artistic, storytelling and educational value of location drawing, promoting its practice and connecting people around the world who draw on location where they live and travel.

Sketch by Sudarman Angir, Urban Sketchers Surabaya (2013)

Sketching in urban spaces generates opportunities for interaction between sketchers and the public, as well as among the public themselves. The sketches can eventually be collected in the form of a book to visualize the city and its activities. Sketchbooks can be popular ways to visually describe the city.

In alignment with the vision of understanding the city from its neighborhoods, SEANNET facilitated the making of Peneleh Sketchbook, a project to represent the everyday life in the kampung. Peneleh Sketchbook will convey the image of the neighborhood, as an important part of the city of Surabaya, to the external audience as well as representing the soul of the kampung as lived by the residents.

The objectives of Peneleh Sketchbook are as follows: 1) to paint Kampung Peneleh through its meaningful spaces and activities in its everyday life; 2) to represent the soul of Kampung Peneleh as lived by the residents; and 3) to increase awareness of the importance of kampungs as historical embryos and microcosms of Indonesia’s city life. In order to achieve these objectives, there will be small group sketching of small spaces and an Urban Sketchers Indonesia event. Combined with narratives of those spaces from SEANNET research, the sketches will portray the story of Kampung Peneleh through representations of its meaningful spaces, activities and stories.

Photo by Muhamad Rohman Obet, 29 March 2019

The first meeting with Urban Sketchers Surabaya took place on Friday, 29 March 2019 at Kampung Peneleh. SEANNET team took Urban Sketchers around Kampung Peneleh after a discussion on the objectives of the sketchbook and the various locations for sketching activities. The following week, Urban Sketchers Surabaya hosted a dinner to continue the discussion.

Photo by Muhamad Rohman Obet, 29 March 2019

The first public sketching at Kampung Peneleh took place on 13 April 2019 in which six Urban Sketchers spent several hours in the afternoon to focus on two sites: Rumah Tjokro (House of Tjokroaminoto) and Toko Buku Peneleh (Peneleh Bookshop). Urban Sketchers Surabaya and SEANNET plan to conduct a series of public sketching activities throughout April 2019 to cover spaces that are essential in Peneleh’s everyday life.

Photo by Muhamad Rohman Obet, 13 April 2019

Photo from Instagram Urban Sketchers Surabaya, 13 April 2019


Urban Sketchers Surabaya on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UrbanSketchersSurabaya/

Urban Sketchers Surabaya on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/usksurabaya/