Teaching Resources

SEANNET in the IIAS Newsletter Focus!

Jan 14, 2022

The SEANNET is pleased to announce publication of resources, approaches, and ideas collected from the SEANNET teams’ work over the past 5 years, in a special Focus section of the regular newsletter from the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden University.

The IIAS has played a key role in supporting the secretariat for the SEANNET from 2017-2021, as well as its funding structure and disbursement. Collaborative research projects take skilled coordination, and all this was made possible with the IIAS’ staff’s patience and dedication.

As the SEANNET grows into SEANNET Collective, we look forward to many more lasting connections, pedagogical learnings, and emergent themes that question the divide between regional and local.



Read the articles online:

These articles explore the neighbourhoods, methods, and ways we may come to know places in each country of Southeast Asia – all so different, in a way that departs from methods and empirical forms academic and scholarly institutions have come to know. We find this all the more relevant and important in our changing world. Explore the articles online, or forward a copy of the PDF newsletter with your network!


As always, you can reach out to SEANNET by contacting any one of our researchers, or filling in our contact form here.


Amanda Griffen
Lorem Ipsum University