Teaching Resources
Announcing an online MOOC: An Introduction to Northern-Lanna and Chiang Mai Urban Development
From 10 November to 15 December, SEANNET team member Assistant Professor Komson Teeraparbwong offers an online class on Northern-Lanna development in Chiang Mai city – the QR code lasts till 15 December for free registration in the course, so sign up early!
TRACING THE PAST: An Introduction to Northern-Lanna and Chiang Mai Urban Development
This course outlines the significant stages of Chiang Mai’s urban development that resulted from time to time since the foundation of the town by King Mengrai in 1296. The course will not only ground the basic understanding of Chiang Mai brief history, but also provide an insight understanding of the town’s urban transformation which is divided in 5 periods as follows; 1) the foundation of the historic Town’s morphology; 2) the process of “Lannanization” as the golden era of Chiang Mai’s Arts and Culture; 3) the “rebirth” period of the town during King Kawila; 4) the “East-meet-West” era that led to many infrastructure’s developments in Chiang Mai; 5) the urban development and transformation from “town-to-city” period as part of Thailand’s 5-year National Economic and Social Development Plans (NESDP) since 1961 and this has shaped Chiang Mai becoming the Northern Region’s hub of Thailand for administration, education, health, tourism and commerce with many emerging urban aspects towards the city’s contemporary Urbanism.