SEANNET Secretariat
Paul Rabé Rita Padawangi, International PI of the Indonesia case study
Paul Rabé, has a background in urban management and political science, and almost 25 years of experience on advisory and institutional development assignments in the socio-economic development field, with a particular focus on urban land management. Major areas of substantive focus within the field of land include governance, spatial planning, housing and poverty reduction. Dr. Rabé has worked extensively on institutional development assignments, in capacity building and training. He has experience as Team Leader of multi-disciplinary and multi-national teams, both at the national, policy development level as well as at the implementation level, with local authorities and communities. Email:
Rita Padawangi, is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. She was appointed on 3 July 2017. Previously, she was Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. With research interests spanning over the sociology of architecture and participatory urban development, Dr. Padawangi has conducted various research projects in cities of Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and the Philippines. Her commitment to social activism in the built environment keeps her connected with community groups and practitioners in many cities in the region. Email:
Huiying Ng is a Master’s graduate of the Department of Geography at the National University of Singapore, and completed a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in English Literature from the National University of Singapore. She is an alumnus of the multidisciplinary University Scholars Programme. Her past work experience includes research work with various teams at the Department of Psychological Medicine, National University Hospital, and the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore for a collaborative 3-year research project, the Urban Aspirations project funded by the Singapore Ministry of Education. Email:
Aafke Hoekstra has graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a master degree in International Relations. She holds two bachelor degrees from VU University Amsterdam, one in Cultural Anthropology and the other in Political Science. She is based in the Netherlands and works closely with the program directors and financial controller for both the Humanities Across Borders program and the SEANNET program.
SEANNET Research Team
Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, International Adviser of the Myanmar case study Jayde Lin Roberts, International PI of the Myanmar case study
Jayde Lin Roberts, is the international Principal Investigator of Case study 1: Thingazar Chaung Neighborhood, Mandalay, Myanmar. Jayde Lin Roberts is an interdisciplinary scholar of the built environment and Myanmar Studies specialist. Her book, Mapping Chinese Rangoon: Place and Nation among the Sino-Burmese, was published by the University of Washington Press in June 2016. She is a tenured faculty member at the University of Tasmania and a 2016-18 Fulbright US Scholar in Myanmar. Her Fulbright-funded research examines discourses of development in Yangon during a period of rapid urbanization. Email:
Pijika Pumketkao, International PI of the first Thailand case study Komson Teeraparbwong, Local PI of the first Thailand case study Pranom Tansukanun, Local PI of the first Thailand case study
Pijika Pumketkao, is the international Principal Investigator of Case study 2: Wua Lai, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Pijika Pumketkao‐Lecourt is an architect specialized in heritage conservation and a PhD candidate at the University of Paris‐Est. Since 2014, she coordinates the research project “Patrimot, Words of Heritage in Urban and Architectural Project in Southeast Asia: Circulation, Reception, Creation”. Her research explores adaptation and contextualization of international heritage principles in a Thai setting, with a particular interest in the practice of everyday life, the conception of the sacred and social ties in local community, its political and economic organization underlying its heritage approach. Email:
Komson Teeraparbwong is an Asst. Professor and head of the International Program (B.Sc. in Integrating Design in Emerging Architecture) at the Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University and GSAPP, Columbia University respectively ,and conducted his Ph.D. research at the Architectural Association and ENSA-Paris Bellville. His interest is in the relationship between Architecture and the Urban Realm, particularly the issue of socio-spatial morphology conflict. Using Chiang Mai for his fieldwork in order to understand complex issues of Urbanism, he has researched on many areas of the city including Wua-lai area, the old city centre and sites proposed for UNESCO World Heritage status, as well as the newly HIP area of Nimmanhemin. Email:
Pranom Tansukanun is currently an Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University. She has got a Bachelors degree in Architecture from Silpakorn University and Master in Urban Planning from Chulalongkorn University and a PhD. from The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London. During her career as a planner in Chiang Mai University she also got a certificate from a short course in Historic Preservation field school from Hawaii University at Manoa and Dip. in Landscape Resources from Heriot-Watt University, Scotland. Dr. Tansukanun teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students and reads in architecture and urban planning. Her interests are in conservation planning, sense of place, neighbourhood sustainable development, the life of the city and multi-disciplinary planning. Email:
Boonanan Natakun, Local PI of the second Thailand case study Napong Tao Rugkhapan
Boonanan Natakun is the Principal Investigator of Case study 3: Nang Loeng neigbourhood in Bangkok. He is a full-time lecturer at Faculty of Architecture and Planning and a deputy head of Urban Futures and Policy Research Unit, Thammasat University. His research interests and projects cover participatory urban planning & development, community resilience and urban low-income housing. He has been exploring various roles of urban neighbourhoods playing in urban development projects that influence urbanization processes in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.
Tao Rugkhapan is a lecturer at the School of Global Studies at Thammasat University, Thailand. He received a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Michigan. His research interests include critical cartography, critical heritage studies, and technopolitics of urban design planning.
Erik Harms, International PI of the Vietnam case study Marie Gibert, International PI of the Vietnam case study Pham Thai Son, Local PI of the Vietnam case study
Erik Harms, is the international Principal Investigator of Case study 4: Wards 13 and 14, Phú Nhuận, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Professor Harms is a social-cultural anthropologist specializing in Southeast Asia and Vietnam. His ethnographic research in Vietnam has focused on the social and cultural effects of rapid urbanization on the fringes of Saigon—Ho Chi Minh City. His book, Saigon’s Edge: On the Margins of Ho Chi Minh City (University of Minnesota Press, 2011), explores how the production of symbolic and material space intersects with Vietnamese concepts of social space, rural-urban relations, and notions of “inside” and “outside.” Email:
Marie Gibert, is the international Principal Investigator of Case study 4: Wards 13 and 14, Phú Nhuận, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Dr Gibert received her Ph.D in urban geography from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, in June 2014. Her research deals with the dynamics of public and private spaces in the development of Asian cities today, as well as with vernacular architecture and the practices of city dwellers in postcolonial cities. Her Ph.D. proposed a trandisciplinary and in-depth ethnographic study of the alleyways network (hẻm) in the urban districts of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Considering the figure of the alleyway both as an urban form and a vibrant public space, her work is at the crossroad between urban planning, architecture and social issues. She has been conducting fieldwork in Ho Chi Minh City for more than six years, during which time she regularly taught urban planning at the University of Architecture and Urban Planning. Email:
Pham Thai Son, is the local Principal Investigator of Case study 4: Wards 13 and 14, Phú Nhuận, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Dr. Pham Thai Son is Senior Lecturer in Urban Economics, Academic Coordinator for Sustainable Urban Development master study program at Vietnamese – German University. He received his Ph.D in Cities and Societies from National Institute of Applied Science of Lyon – INSA Lyon in 2010. Dr. Pham Thai Son’s fields of interest: Urban Planning, Urban Morphology, Public Space, Livable Xity, Urban Economics, Real Estate Market, Housing, Transit-Oriented Development, Urban Density, Urban Resilience. Email:
Tessa Maria Guazon, International PI of the Philippines case study Alma Quinto, Local PI of the Philippines case study
Tessa Maria Guazon, is the international Principal Investigator of Case study 5: Escolta Santa Cruz district, Manila, Philippines. Prof. Tessa Maria Guazon is an art historian based in Manila. Her research interest is contemporary public art practice in cities in Southeast Asia with comparative focus on the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. She considers the many platforms and complex economies of public art production: the state and local agencies, private and corporate entities, and artist collectives and initiatives. This span covers a wide spectrum of forms and practices including monuments and permanent works, installations, site-specific art, ephemeral forms, performances and participatory engagements. Her writings and field work examine ways public art forms and practices enable interaction, participation and involvement. This situates contemporary art in the nexus of the city, asking whether art practices and creative strategies enable new and emancipatory ways of defining city life through novel modalities of agency in urban contexts. Email:
Adrian Perkasa, Local PI of the Indonesia case study
Rita Padawangi, is the international Principal Investigator of Case study 6: Kampung Peneleh, Surabaya, Indonesia.She is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. She was appointed on 3 July 2017. Previously, she was Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. With research interests spanning over the sociology of architecture and participatory urban development, Dr. Padawangi has conducted various research projects in cities of Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and the Philippines. Her commitment to social activism in the built environment keeps her connected with community groups and practitioners in many cities in the region. Email:
SEANNET Steering Committee
Non Arkaraprasertkul (University of Sydney, Australia)
Barbara Andaya (University of Hawaii, USA)
Michael Douglass (National University of Singapore-Asia Research Institute, Singapore)
Marie Gibert (Paris-Diderot University, France)
Erik Harms (Yale University, USA)
Michael Herzfeld (Harvard University, USA)
Nathalie Lancret (ENSAPB, France)
Sylvia Nam (University of California at Irvine, USA)
Rita Padawangi (Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore)
Philippe Peycam (Leiden University-International Institute for Asia Studies, the Netherlands)
Pijika Pumketkao (ENSAPB, Chiang Mai University, France, Thailand)
Paul Rabé (International Institute for Asia Studies-Urban Knowledge Network Asia, the Netherlands)
Chayan Vaddhanaphuti (Chiang Mai University-Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development, Thailand)